Paseo Caribbean Restaurant

Welcome back to another episode of Seattle Food Tours! Today, I went to Paseo. You should know that this Caribbean-style sandwich shop serves the single best sandwich in the world. Now, just like any good sandwich place, Paseo’s is nondescript and features no outdoor sign. With fresh pork, onions, and bread from Seattle’s own Macrina Bakery, this is beyond a meal. It is the best sandwich you’ll ever eat. They offer other Caribbean-inspired fare, but I was there for one thing only: the pork loin sandwich. In fact, I’ve never in my life gotten anything but that sandwich.

Now, for a little bit about the Fremont area market.

In the last 15 months, demand has outstripped supply. This means, of course, that houses have consistently gone above asking price, even going up as far as 110% of asking price. If you follow our blog you know that we generally get 5% better than average, so if you were selling in Fremont, than we would be able to get you 115% on average.

There has been a 15% year over year increase in price per sq ft. Overall, the average asking price has been $839,000, with the average sales price of $781,000. This is a unique situation in that I’ve never seen the asking price and the sales price track so closely together. The average price for a two-bedroom house in Fremont is $746,000, and the average for a one-bedroom is $436,000. As you can see, it’s not the cheapest place to live. If you want to find a bargain, I wouldn’t be looking for it in Fremont. However, it is still a fabulous place to live.

If you have questions about buying, selling, or the world’s best sandwich, give me a call anytime and I’d be happy to help in any way I can.